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Structured Financing

As organizers of project and structured financing, we support clients and investors with joint financing structures that enable the realization of various projects and investments.

What do we offer within Structured Financing?

What is Project Financing?

Project financing is a form of structured financing for a specific economic entity where the performance of the underlying project is the main source of debt repayment ability.

Consequently, the financing structure is tailored and takes into account the individual needs and risks of your project plans.

It is mainly based on the cash flows generated by the specific economic entity that must be sufficient to cover the payments for operating costs andto repay the debt in terms of principal and interest payments.

What is factoring?

Factoring is a short term financing product offered to a Corporate Customer (Factoree) based on the selling of its trade receivables at a discount rate to the Bank(Factor). 

Why Factoring?

By this type of Financing, we finance the Supplier that works on Credit Terms with its customers (Buyers). 

The bank pays the client up to a maximum of 80–90% of the invoices before the invoices expire. On the payment date, the buyer pays for the invoices that the bank has financed for the seller/customer since day one.

Faster access to money

Instead of waiting for the invoice with a payment term up to 180 days, through Factoring, the financing of  invoices is carried out by the bank immediately.

You can expand your business activity

More flexibility alterantives

A more flexible financing alternative, which helps the companied to expand the business activity.

Payment terms negotiations

It enables the negotiation of the payment terms between the seller and the buyer. It creates opportunities for the development of both parties.

What do we offer to our Corporate Customers?

We offer to our Corporate Customers Domestic Factoring with Recourse to the Supplier, a financing that is mainly based on the  receivables quality.